Minutes of the Dunnington Parish Council meeting held on 14th December 2020. (Virtual)

Present: Cllrs J Brooks, J Maggs, L Turnbull, D Swallow, J Farmer, N Ford, M Thompson and S Hardwell

Clerk: J Bone

Cllr Martin Rowley attended

Three members of the public were also present

The Vice Chairman Cllr Jenny Brooks chaired the meeting as Chairman Gill Shaw was unavailable.

1                       FORMALITIES

1.1                 Parish Council to receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

Cllr  G Shaw – Family bereavement

Cllr A Dykes – Family commitments

Cllr G Calvert – Due to this being a virtual meeting

Cllr G Kay – Due to this being a virtual meeting

1.2                 Parish Council to consider the approval of reasons for absence

Apologies and reasons for absence approved for Cllrs A Dykes and G Shaw

Apologies and reasons for absence for Cllrs G Kay and G Calvert were not approved

1.3                 Previous Meeting Minutes (9/11/20) approved

1.4                 Approve Minutes of extraordinary meetings held  September 30th 2020 - Approved

1.5                 Approve Minutes of extraordinary meetings held  October19th 2020 - Approved

1.6          Declaration of Interest - None

2              POLICE REPORT

2.1          Police Report was not received but Cllr M Thompson summarised events in the parish     regarding theft of catalytic convertor, and garden maintenance contractors targeting                           vulnerable residents.


No members of the public wished to speak


4.1          The council will resolve to exclude the press and public, from the meeting for any item    where the publicity of the matter being prejudicial to the public interest or by reason of the      confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons - Resolved


5.1          Update and decision if advices have been received to allow a decision – Still awaiting advices





7.1          Parish Council to discuss and agree figure and provision of funding, as a last resort if         required to supplement Ward funding towards the cost of creating a "path way" on York Road                                                                                                                                                                            Discussion took place and £5000 agreed to be in next year’s budget as a last resort


8              BUDGET FOR CONSIDERATION 2021-22

8.1          Proposed budget for 2021-22 to be discussed – discussion took place. All Councillors will                advise by the next meeting when the budget must be decided.


9.1          Full updated Accounts and Accruals to date for 2020/21

                The clerk advised that the figure for Xmas tree installation and removal should be £806.40,            additional items of expenditure Intake Lane work - £5427.60, tree work A166 - £168.00 and               virtual   communication costs £14.39.

9.2          Parish Council to agree cheque to be signed for work to be carried out before Xmas – to be           held until work carried out and checked before release - Resolved

9.2          Correspondence – No comments

10           PLANNING - Ongoing Applications         

10.1        Os Field 2800 Eastfield Lane Dunnington York - Erection of 78 dwellings, landscaping,       public open space and associated infrastructure

10.2        Ridgeway 2 Greencroft Court Dunnington York YO19 5NN - Single storey extension to side             and rear following demolition of existing garage

10.3        1 Church Street Dunnington York YO19 5PP - Crown clean 3no. Juniper trees; remove       branches from Ash - tree works in a Conservation Area


11           PLANNING - New Applications

11.1        1 Kendal Close Dunnington York YO19 5PG - Two storey side extension

11.2        Holme Lea Hull Road Dunnington York YO19 5LR - Removal of condition 4              (archaeological investigation) of permitted application 19/01833/FUL (extension of      access track).

11.3        69 York Street Dunnington York YO19 5QW - Single storey conservatory to rear

11.4        Dunnington House 31 Common Road Dunnington York YO19 5NG - Crown reduce              1no. Yew and 2no. Holly trees by 2m - tree works in a Conservation Area.

11.5        The Meadows  Hull Road Dunnington York YO19 5LR - Erection of building for use as         home office after demolition of existing agricultural building

11.6        14 Hunters Wood Way Dunnington York YO19 5RA - Single storey side extension


12           PLANNING - Decisions (COYC)

12.1        The Old Cottage 24 York Street Dunnington York YO19 5PN - Crown reduce 3no. Holly      trees in a Conservation Area – Approved

12.2        Shangrila  44 Church Lane Dunnington York YO19 5QA - Fell Holly tree in a             Conservation Area - Approved

12.3        1 Lime Tree Mews Dunnington York YO19 5SD - Re-pollard Lime protected by Tree            Preservation Order 11/1987 – Approved

12.4        Millhouse Barn Elvington Lane Dunnington York YO19 5LD - Erection of   outbuilding to    rear – Approved

12.5        Fernholme  Common Lane Dunnington York YO19 5LS - Raise roof height by half a              storey, 2no. dormers and 1no. new roof light to front, 3no. dormers and 2no. new        roof lights to rear, 1no. roof light to each side elevation, porch to side and rear                               elevations, reconfigure windows and doors, clad extension and alterations in oak -           Approved

12.6        Twine And Barrel Hull Road Dunnington York YO19 5LP - Change of use of hotel block       to the rear of Twine and Barrel (use class C1) to office (use class B1(a)). Timber            cladding to the west and south elevations. Erection of 1.8 and 2.4 metre high fence      and vehicle entrance gate to proposed boundaries.- Approved

12.7        Public payphone fronting 26 York Street Dunnington - Removal of Public payphone -         Objection

12.8        6 Water Lane Dunnington York YO19 5NR   - Crown reduce Hawthorn tree in a     Conservation Area. - Approved

12.9        Grimston Court Hull Road Dunnington York YO19 5LE - Crown lift trees to 12 foot from    ground level - protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 3/1973 – Approved

12.10     25 Horsfield Way Dunnington York YO19 5RH - Two storey side extension and single         storey rear extension after demoltion of existing garage and conservatory – Approved





13.1        Hull Road

13.2        1 Church St

13.3        Travellers Site A166


14           AOB

Cllr M Rowley advised the Parish Council of extra Ward funding available – Councillors should advise the Clerk any suggested expenditure.

Clerk advised annual leave over the Xmas period.

Next Meeting to be held Monday 11th January 2021 venue to be arranged.

